I’m a writer, teacher, and sci-fi lover. I currently live in Berkeley, and teach English courses at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara University. I’m especially interested in teaching and writing dystopian and utopian works. Outside of writing speculative fiction, I’m partial to sci-fi blended with other genres (military, noir, historical, solarpunk). You can check out my CV here: Leonard J Crosby CV, and you can find my most recent blog posts here or the bottom of the page. You can contact me directly at lcrosby88@gmail.com.

My work has been published in The Oakland Review, Somnambulist, Forklift, Ohio, Eleven Eleven, Star82 Review, The Furious Gazelle, and the Gold Man Review. I recently finished my first novel, and I’m searching for representation and publication (which has been almost as arduous as actually writing it). I’ve recently started a second apocalyptic novel, as well as a number of new short stories, which I hope to have posted here soon.